Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"I have no doubt, (based on)what I have studied..that Mormons, including local leaders of our church, were prime movers/participated in the killing."

MP3 File

This is the audio clip of Dallin H. Oaks, from "The Mormons", declaring:

"I have no doubt, on the basis of what I have studied and learned, that Mormons, including local leaders of our church, were prime movers in that terrible episode and participated in the killing."

He then also says:

“I pray that he(The Lord) can find a way to forgive those who took such a terrible action against their fellow beings.”

In reality, the Church has already completely forgiven John D. Lee, the only man ever held accountable, who was executed for the crime, while over 100 other men were never held accountable by Brigham Young or anyone else, due to their “vow of silence”, which would result in death if broken.

In 1961, the Mormon First Presidency reinstated all of John D. Lee's blessings, including his temple blessings, meaning that they, the Mormon Hierarchy and Prophet, have indeed completely forgiven John D. Lee, as if he did nothing at all and his sins are now white as snow.

"For more than a hundred years, the families of John D. Lee have borne the opprobrium of the massacre alone. For that reason, they have welcomed every effort to probe the question; certainly no truth could be worse than the stories to which they were subjected. Now they have special cause to rejoice, for on April 20, 1961, the First Presidency and the Council of Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met in joint council, and: 'It was the action of the Council after considering all the facts available that authorization be given for the reinstatement to membership and former blessings [temple marriages] to John D. Lee.' Word of this was sent out to members of the family, and on May 8 and 9, the necessary ordinances were performed in the Salt Lake Temple. A complete record is in the files of the Latter-day Saints Genealogical Society." (Mountain Meadows Massacre, p. 223)

It's hard to understand this reinstating of John D. Lee's complete blessings, when Joseph Smith and Mormon doctrine clearly teaches that Murder is unforgivable, let alone MASS MURDER. Gee, I wonder how they explain this?

I beg all TBMS and Mormon Apologists, to enlighten all of us evil ex-Mormons, as to how this can be. Doesn't this contradict your beloved Joseph Smith and his teachings?

Joseph Smith supposedly received the following revelation from Jesus Christ:


27 The blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which shall not be forgiven in the world nor out of the world, is in that ye commit murder wherein ye shed innocent blood, and assent unto my death, after ye have received my new and everlasting covenant, saith the Lord God; and he that abideth not this law can in nowise enter into my glory, but shall be damned, saith the Lord.

To further support what was recorded in the D&C, Joseph Smith also clearly taught that murderers cannot have eternal life, cannot be saved, cannot be baptized for the remission of sins and that they will all literally go to hell, which must be outer darkness, since hell is not a Mormon glory.

Joseph Smith said:

“A murderer for instance, one that sheds innocent blood, cannot have forgiveness.” (Teachings Of The Prophet Joseph Smith-Page 339)

I also hope that since, Dallin H. Oaks and the Mormon Hierarchy, have now finally admitted that “Mormons, including local leaders of our church, were prime movers in that terrible episode and participated in the killing”, that this will free up the families of those who were brutally executed that day at Mountain Meadows, to finally be able to file a class action lawsuit against the Mormon church and the current Mormon Hierarchy.

This statement by Dallin H. Oaks, admitting fault, also contradicts Hinckley, who said the following on Sept 11, 1999:

"No one can explain what happened in these meadows 142 years ago. We may speculate, but we do not know. We do not understand it. We cannot comprehend it. We can only say that the past is long since gone."


"That which we have done here must never be construed as an acknowledgment of the part of the church of any complicity in the occurrences of that fateful day."

It looks like Hinckley, the current Mormon Prophet and Dallin H. Oaks, current Mormon Apostle, need to have a private meeting and discuss the massive descrpencies that exist their public statements.

Also, based on the other comment by Dallin H. Oaks, which I just posted, clearly stating that, “It's wrong to criticize leaders of the church, even if the criticism is true”, this means that even though he admitted that church leaders "were prime movers in that terrible episode and participated in the killing” of around 120 innocent men, women and children; you cannot criticize them for it and in fact, he probably wants you to follow his lead and pray that they will all be forgiven, just like they’ve forgiven John D. Lee.

Samuel the Utahnite

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Dallin H. Oaks-Mormon Apostle/Cult Leader, Arrogantly Says: "It's Wrong To Criticize Leaders Of The (Mormon)Church, Even If The Criticism Is True."

MP3 File

This is the audio clip of Dallin H. Oaks, current Mormon Apostle/cult leader, from the PBS documentary, "The Mormons", declaring unequivocally:


This statement is truly the epitome of arrogance and unbelievable!! If this doesn't prove that Mormonism is a totalitarian regime/cult, then I don't know what does.

Why would anyone want to be under a literal Mormon dictatorship of normal, everyday men, that are masquerading as Prophets, Seers and Revelators of God; while they are robbing you blind of your money and freedom of thought, expression and opinion. Wake up folks and see the light!!

If this doesn't bother you Mormon true-believers and followers out there, then nothing ever will!!

I mean hell, "even if the criticism is true", you can't say anything? Is he serious?!! That doesn't remind any of you true-believers of a communist country or the Nazis, does it? Isn't that how they ran things?

Gee, and here I thought that the Mormons taught everyone that we fought a war in heaven, so that we could have our free agency here on earth? FREE AGENCY? That doesn't exist in Mormonism and Mr. Oaks just proved it, for all the world to hear. I guess everyone is FREE to OBEY THEM OR ELSE, right?

I will also be doing a follow-up podcast(on my Mormon Truth Uncensored Podcast), regarding this statement alone and what exactly it means in the big scheme of things and how it stands alone in showing the world that Mormonism is absolutely a fraud and a cult, a la Jim Jones, Heaven's Gate, The Moonies, David Koresh's Branch Davidians, etc.

Of course, the Mormon Hierarchy is a bit smarter then those guys were, since they don't want to command everyone to drink the poisoned punch, because then they wouldn't be getting anymore tithing, fast offerings and the other vast array of donations, that they beg and plead for every single day.

If they ordered a mass suicide, where would they get the easy billions that are rolling in, to buy their next malls or re-design downtowns or build luxury resorts or buy cattle ranches and gaming preserves, or to purchase 663 acres(adding to their already 6,000 that they own) in Laie, Hawaii, to build a 550 home housing development, right? What would the corporation of the President or corporation of the Presiding Bishopric do without all those easy billions?

But I just wanted this quote and several other quotes, to be stand alone downloads, so that everyone can download the exact quotes and then pass them around to the world, and their Mormon friends and family, without any additional commentary by me.

I will also be posting many other quotes for everyone to download and have, to hopefully help family and friends that are brainwashed and still stuck in the Mormon cult, to see the light and escape. The audio of this particular quote, will also be posted on my main Mormon Truth blog for everyone to listen to, download and link to.

Remember everyone, that the truth shall truly set you free, from cult leaders like Dallin H. Oaks, Boyd K. Packer, Gordon B. Hinckley and many others, both current and future, who will punish you for criticizing them, "even if the criticism is true"; because they are infallible and claim that their Mormon God will literally, physically remove them, if they ever try to lead you astray, therefore, they can do no wrong, EVER, and basically consider themselves to be Gods on earth, who answer to NO ONE.

My advice folks....GET OUT NOW!!

Samuel the Utahnite

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Utah NOW: Viewing THE MORMONS-May 4, 2007-With Doug Fabrizio And Many Guests, Including Helen Whitney, Responding To "The Mormons."

MP3 File

A new PBS series profiling the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will again bring Mormonism into the national spotlight. On an hour-long edition of Utah NOW, we’re talking about the series and gauging the reaction to this latest portrait of the faith. Find out what Utahns say after viewing the documentary.

Did it clear up misconceptions or reinforce them? Join us for a balanced, considered response to the national broadcast. In a unique collaboration between KUED and KBYU, Utah NOW: Viewing THE MORMONS will be simulcast on both channels Friday at 8 pm.

Watch the show... Listen to the show...

Satellite interview with filmmaker Helen Whitney, who--over the course of three years--wrote, produced and directed both segments of the American Experience/Frontline Documentary: THE MORMONS.

Interview with Ken Verdoia and Terryl Givens, who are both featured in the documentary. Ken Verdoia is the director of production at KUED -TV Channel 7 and was one of the first experts contacted by Helen Whitney when she began her work more than three years ago. Terryl Givens is a Mormon author and a professor of Literature and Religion at the University of Richmond, Virginia.

One-on-one interview with LDS Church Historian and Recorder Elder Marlin K. Jensen, of the First Quorum of the Seventy, who is also the executive director of the Family and Church History Department.

Roundtable discussion with Jack Newell, emeritus professor at the University of Utah and a former co-editor of Dialogue Magazine; Elizabeth Sewell, associate director of BYU's International Center for Law and Religion Studies, Bob Goldberg, History professor and director of the University of Utah's Tanner Humanities Center, and Robert Millet a professor of Ancient Scripture and past dean of Religious Studies at BYU.

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